Health Information System (HIS)

The Ultimate Solution for Accessing Health Data and Improving Services!

Make informed decisions and optimise resource management

Have you ever had to wait in those long lines at a clinic or hospital? It’s not fun, right?

Medical institutions often face challenges in retrieving patient records and medication collection from pharmacy aften delays. Without real-time action, planning for healthcare services becomes difficult.

SIL’s Health Information System (HIS) can help government agencies make significant improvements. With better data, health agencies can make smarter decisions for public health planning and policy-making.
The HIS provides accurate and timely health data, allowing for effective planning and resource management to ensure supplies and personnel are in the right place at the right time.

Features of the HIS include appointments, ward and bed management, and physician orders – everything that streamlines the patient journey and reduce waiting times.

Healthcare Processes and Disease Surveillance

Automation of these tedious processes allows healthcare providers to focus on delivering quality care rather than managing administrative tasks.

Concerned about disease surveillance? SIL’s Healthcare Information System (HIS) addresses this by detecting outbreaks early and enabling prompt responses to protect public health. The data collected is also valuable for research purposes, driving medical advancements and innovation in healthcare.

SIL’s HIS offers accurate information on critical metrics, empowering policymakers and healthcare professionals to make informed decisions.

Our Expert

“Our project aims to promote social inclusion and empowerment by improving access to social services, streamlining administration, managing funding for social initiatives, and using data for targeted service delivery and informed decision-making.”

Geeta Gopy

Project Manager

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