Integrated Tax Administration Solution (ITAS)

The Game-Changing Solution You Need

Unlock efficiency and accuracy

In today’s fast-paced world, the challenges faced by governments in managing tax-related activities are more complex than ever.

Manual processes and paper-based systems lead to inefficiencies, errors, and delays, making it harder to track taxpayer compliance. Limited data accessibility and integration obstruct cross-referencing of information and contribute to underreporting.

Poor compliance monitoring, inefficient communication with taxpayers, increased risk of fraud, and resource intensiveness further exacerbate the situation.

If you nod your head to these challenges, then SIL’s Integrated Tax Administration Solution (ITAS) might just be the game-changer you need for your tax operations.

A singular view of taxpayer details

This all-encompassing solution offers a plethora of features aimed at reforming tax processes, improving compliance monitoring, and enhancing taxpayer services.

From automated compliance monitoring to integrated data management, ITAS is designed to address the challenges faced by clients and boost the efficiency of tax administration.

By implementing ITAS, clients can expect a wide range of practical results and improvements in their operations.

A complete single view of taxpayer details, improved taxpayer services, increased revenue collection, and enhanced efficiency of tax administration are just some of the added benefits.

Enhance trade facilitation, combat corruption and tax evasion

One of our proud success stories is the implementation of ITAS for the Mauritius Revenue Authority (MRA).

The system has provided new tools for collecting, analysing, and processing information regarding all categories of taxes in Mauritius. The different departments of the MRA now share databases, leading to more efficient data management and eliminating duplication. The back-office systems and taxpayer web portal within ITAS have indeed transformed the tax administration landscape in the country.

So, if your government is struggling with outdated systems and facing challenges in adapting to changing tax laws, SIL’s ITAS is the answer.

Our Expert

“I am driven by the vital importance of prudent financial management.

Through our projects, we aim to safeguard the economic well-being of a country, ensuring resources are managed efficiently and effectively for the benefit of all citizens.”

Navin Hurree

Project Manager

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